Investment is one of the efforts and aspects that have an important role in national or state development. The higher the development and economic growth of a country, the higher the investment owned by that country.

Indonesia is an investment destination that is very appropriate for foreign investors, Why? If foreign investors make and invest in Indonesia, they have a huge potential to get profit.

The main factor that becomes one of the important factors for foreign investors to look at Indonesia is the natural resource factor. Indonesia has abundant natural resources, from petroleum, mining, to natural gas sources. Indonesia is also the largest archipelagic country which is one of the highlights in the world due to it has a very strategic location. Therefore, there are many interesting and profitable factors if foreign investors make investment in Indonesia. Find more information here.


The wealth of natural resources of Indonesia does not need to be questioned and doubted. The natural resources lie in the mining sector, such as coal, oil, and natural gas that is abundantly owned by Indonesia. In the tourism sector, Indonesia also has a very beautiful and lovely nature. This is usually the main factor to choose by foreign investors for investment in Indonesia.


Indonesia will suffer a shift in the shape of structure that will lead to a surge in the number of population and workers who have and are dominated by a productive age who are more skilled and ready to work.


Indonesia has survived the global or the world economic crisis. Indonesia continues to create security and a healthy economic and investment climate. For now, Indonesia has even been appointed as one of the economic drivers in the Asian region.


Indonesia is a country that continues to rise to become a stable country since the reform in the field of politics since 1998. Indonesia also continues to improve its democratic system to have a healthy and also conducive or safe government.


Indonesia is one of the countries that has an active role in building bilateral and international relations. The most important thing is that Indonesia is the only country in Southeast Asia that is active in the association of G-20 countries. This is because Indonesia always strives and plays a role for and in conveying the interests of developing countries in the world.

These factors are very profitable for foreign investors to invest in Indonesia. Many factors can certainly be obtained by investors who invest in Indonesia, because Indonesia is a rich, safe, and stable country.

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